Sunday, January 20, 2013

Don't fear complaints - embrace them

These Big Companies Are Abandoning Twitter And Facebook For Customer Service

Good morning all,
The link above take you to a piece in Business Insider.  As I read it, the thoughts started flowing and I kept asking myself why?
Every company has needed to do more with less and streamline their organization, but Social for Customer Service helps you do just that. Even if your tweet or facebook post is not responded to right away, it is better than being on hold or navigating a phone tree.
Is this bigger than efficiency? The fear of complaints in public? If that is true, I answer the decision maker: "it is no what the customer said, but how he is responded to." I also ask: "Is the customer right and our process wrong?"
Are we too afraid to hear from those who consume our products?
Companies must learn not to fear the negatives, but learn from them, improve their product or service and create advocates.
Don't respond to the troll who howls at the moon, respond to the objective lurker who is your fan.
Looking forward to your comments.

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