There are many things that cause harm and take lives: airplanes, cars, alcohol, cigarettes, etc, but nothing causes more fear or debate than guns. Those who fear them, hate them; those who want them cite the 2nd Amendment on a loop. Where is the responsible middle that can bring the two sides together?
I have not found a person yet who can justify the need for the personal ownership of: assault rifles, armor piercing bullets, and high capacity magazines. You are a hunter. Fine, you do not need an assault rifle; there will be nothing to bring home. You want to defend your home. We all do: handguns are very hard to control, get yourself a shotgun.
Gun advocates need to mandate iron clad background checks and constant training. If you have nothing to hide, I want to look (or know the right people did), and if you want to defend yourself, you must be trained and practice so you can perform at the moment of truth.
Some of my fondest childhood memories are target shooting with rifles and trap shooting with shotguns. I am not a hunter; I have grown up with guns, learned to respect them, and NEVER thought of using one to settle a problem. Guns are not in my house, nor do I believe I need to carry one to protect myself, but as a responsible, law abiding citizen, it is my right and one that should never be taken away.
I look forward to and respect your comments.